Corel Draw Window Menu


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Corel Draw Window Menu

Corel Draw Window Menu

Windows Menu of CorelDRAW

New Window इसका Use किसी Current Page को दो Window में करने के लिए Use करते है। इसे use करने से Page से कुछ Delete नहीं बल्कि दोनों एक ही रहता है।

Cascade / Tile Horizontally / Tile Vertically इन तीनो का Use एक या एक से अधिक, लिए हुए Page को देखने के लिए किया जाता है जिसमे आपको तीनो का अलग-अलग Preview देखने को मिलेगा।

Color Palettes इसका Use Color Box लगाने या Change करने के लिए किया जाता है।

Dockers किसी भी Docker को लाने और हटाने के लिए इस्तेमाल करते हैं।

Toolbars किसी भी Tool को लाने तथा छुपाने के लिए Use करते हैं। इसके लिए आप Menu Bar या Status Bar पर Right Click करके भी इस Option का Use कर सकते हैं।

Close Current मे Open हुए Page को Close करने के लिए Use करते है।

Close All इसका Use Corel Draw में Open हुए सभी Page को Close करने के लिए Use करते है।

Refresh Window इसका Use Corel Draw को Refresh करने के लिए Use करते है।

Corel Draw Window Menu


CTRL + A : Select all
CTRL + B : Bold
CTRL + C : Copy
CTRL + D : Duplicate
CTRL + E : Export
CTRL + G : Group
CTRL + I : Import
CTRL + J : Option
CTRL + K : Break Apart
CTRL + N : New
CTRL + O : Open
CTRL + P : Print
CTRL + Q : Curve
CTRL + S : Save
CTRL + T : Format Text
CTRL + U : Ungroup
CTRL + V : Paste
CTRL + X : Cut
CTRL + Z : Undo
F1 ; Corel draw help
F2 ; Zoom tool
F3 ; To reduce size
F4 ; Fit in window
F5 ; Free hand tool
F6 ; Rectangle Tool
F7 ; Ellipse tool circle
F8 ; Text tool
F9 ; Full screen
F10 ; Shape tool
F11 ; Fountain fill

Corel Draw Window Menu And Short Cut key

Align Bottom B Aligns selected objects to the bottom
Align Centers Horizontally E Horizontally aligns the centers of the selected objects
Align Centers Vertically C Vertically aligns the centers of the selected objects
Align Left L Aligns selected objects to the left
Align Right R  Aligns selected objects to the right
Align To Baseline Alt+F12 Aligns text to the baseline
Align Top T Aligns selected objects to the top
Artistic Media I Draws curves and applies Preset, Brush, Spray, Calligraphic or Pressure Sensitive effe
Back One Ctrl+PgDn Back One
Break Apart Ctrl+K Breaks apart the selected object
Brightness/Contrast/Intensity Ctrl+B Brightness/Contrast/Intensity…
Bring up Property Bar Ctrl+Enter Brings up the Property Bar and gives focus to the first visible item that can be tabbed to
Center to Page  P Aligns the centers of the selected objects to page
Character Formatting Ctrl+T Character Formatting
Color Balance… Ctrl+Shift+B Color Balance
Combine Ctrl+L Combines the selected objects
Contour Ctrl+F9 Opens the Contour Docker Window
Convert Ctrl+F8 Converts artistic text to paragraph text or vice versa
Convert Outline To Object Ctrl+Shift+Q Converts an outline to an object
Convert To Curves Ctrl+Q Converts the selected object to a curve
Copy Ctrl+C Copies the selection and places it on the Clipboard
Copy Ctrl+Insert Copies the selection and places it on the Clipboard
Cut Ctrl+X Cuts the selection and places it on the Clipboard
Cut Shift+Delete Cuts the selection and places it on the Clipboard
Delete Delete Deletes the selected object(s)
Distribute Bottom Shift+B Distributes selected objects to the bottom
Distribute Centers Horizontally Shift+E Horizontally Distributes the centers of the selected objects
Distribute Centers Vertically Shift+C Vertically Distributes the centers of the selected objects
Distribute Left Shift+L Distributes selected objects to the left
Distribute Right Shift+R Distributes selected objects to the right
Distribute Spacing Horizontally Shift+P Horizontally Distributes the space between the selected
Distribute Spacing Vertically Shift+A Vertically Distributes the space between the selected objects
Distribute Top Shift+T Distributes selected objects to the top
Duplicate Ctrl+D Duplicates the selected object(s) and offsets by a specified amount
Duplicate In Place + Duplicates the selected object(s) at their current location
Dynamic Guides Alt+Shift+D Shows or hides the Dynamic Guides (toggle)
Edit Text… Ctrl+Shift+T Opens the Edit Text dialog box
Ellipse F7 Draws ellipses and circles; double-clicking the tool opens the Toolbox tab of the Option
Envelope Ctrl+F7 Opens the Envelope Docker Window
Eraser X Erases part of a graphic or splits an object into two closed paths
Exit Alt+F4 Exits CorelDRAW and prompts to save the active drawing
Export… Ctrl+E Exports text or objects to another format
Font Size Decrease Ctrl+NUMPAD2 Decreases font size to previous point size
Font Size Increase Ctrl+NUMPAD8 Increases font size to next point size
Font Size Next Combo Size Ctrl+NUMPAD6 Increase font size to next setting in Font Size List
Font Size Previous Combo Size Ctrl+NUMPAD4 Decrease font size to previous setting available in the Font Size List
Forward One Ctrl+PgUp Forward One
Fountain Fill… F11 Applies fountain fills to objects
Freehand F5 Draws lines and curves in Freehand mode
Full-Screen Preview F9 Displays a full-screen preview of the drawing
Graph Paper D Draws a group of rectangles; double-clicking opens the Toolbox tab of the Options dial
Graphic and Text Styles Ctrl+F5 Opens the Graphic and Text Styles Docker Window
Group Ctrl+G Groups the selected objects
Hand H Hand Tool
Horizontal Text C Ctrl+, Changes the text to horizontal direction
Hue/Saturation/Lightness… Ctrl+Shift+U Hue/Saturation/Lightness
Import… Ctrl+I Imports text or objects
Insert Symbol Character Ctrl+F11 Opens the Insert Character Docker Window
Interactive Fill G Adds a fill to object(s); clicking and dragging on object(s) applies a fountain fill
Lens Alt+F3 Opens the Lens Docker Window
Linear Alt+F2 Contains functions for assigning attributes to linear dimension lines
Macro Editor… Alt+F11 Macro Editor…
Mesh Fill M Converts an object to a Mesh Fill object
Micro Nudge Down Ctrl+DnArrow Nudges the object downward by the Micro Nudge factor
Micro Nudge Left Ctrl+LeftArrow Nudges the object to the left by the Micro Nudge factor
Micro Nudge Right Ctrl+RightArrow Nudges the object to the right by the Micro Nudge factor
Micro Nudge Up Ctrl+UpArrow Nudges the object upward by the Micro Nudge factor
Navigator N Brings up the Navigator window allowing you to navigate to any object in the document
New Ctrl+N Creates a new drawing
Next Page PgDn Goes to the next page
Nudge Down DnArrow Nudges the object downward
Nudge Left LeftArrow Nudges the object to the left
Nudge Right RightArrow Nudges the object to the right
Nudge Up UpArrow Nudges the object upw
Open… Ctrl+O Opens an existing drawing
Options… Ctrl+J Opens the dialog for setting CorelDRAW options
Outline Color… Shift+F12 Opens the Outline Color dialog box
Outline Pen… F12 Opens the Outline Pen dialog box
Pan Down Alt+DnArrow Pan Down
Pan Left Alt+LeftArrow Pan Left
Pan Right Alt+RightArrow Pan Right
Pan Up Alt+UpArrow Pan Up
Paste Ctrl+V Pastes the Clipboard contents into the drawing
Paste Shift+Insert Pastes the Clipboard contents into the drawing
Place Inside Container… Ctrl+1 Places selected object(s) into a PowerClip container object
Polygon Y Draws polygons
Position Alt+F7 Opens the Position Docker Window
Previous Page PgUp Goes to the previous page
Print… Ctrl+P Prints the active drawing
Properties Alt+Enter Allows the properties of an object to be viewed and edited
Record Temporary Macro Ctrl+Shift+R Record Temporary Macro
Rectangle F6 Draws rectangles; double-clicking the tool creates a page frame
Redo Ctrl+Shift+Z Reverses the last Undo operation
Refresh Window Ctrl+W Redraws the drawing window
Repeat Ctrl+R Repeats the last operation
Rotate Alt+F8 Opens the Rotate Docker Window
Run Temporary Macro Ctrl+Shift+P Run Temporary Macro
Save As… S Ctrl+Shift+ Saves the active drawing with a new name
Save… Ctrl+S Saves the active drawing
Scale Alt+F9 Window Opens the Scale Docker
Select all Ctrl+A Select all object of the active page
Shape F10 Edits the nodes of an object; double-clicking the tool selects all nodes on the selected
Size Alt+F10 Window Opens the Size Docker
Smart Drawing Shift+S Dbl-click opens Smart Drawing Tool options; Shift+drag backwards over line erases
Snap to Grid Ctrl+Y Snaps objects to the grid (toggle)
Snap to Objects Alt+Z  Snaps objects to other objects (toggle)
Spell Check… Ctrl+F12 Opens the Spell Checker; checks the spelling of the selected text
Spiral A Draws spirals; double-clicking opens the Toolbox tab of the Options dialog
Step and Repeat… Ctrl+Shift+D Shows Step and Repeat docker
Stop Recording Ctrl+Shift+O  Stop Recording
Super Nudge Down Shift+DnArrow Nudges the object downward by the Super Nudge factor
Super Nudge Left Shift+LeftArrow Nudges the object to the left by the Super Nudge factor
Super Nudge Right Shift+RightArrow Nudges the object to the right by the Super Nudge factor
Super Nudge Up Shift+UpArrow Nudges the object upward by the Super Nudge factor
Symbol Manager Ctrl+F3 Symbol Manager Docker
Text F8 Adds text; click on the page to add Artistic Text; click and drag to add Paragraph Text
To Back Of Layer Shift+PgDn To Back Of Layer
To Back Of Page Ctrl+End To Back Of Page
To Front Of Layer Shift+PgUp To Front Of Layer
To Front Of Page Ctrl+Home To Front Of Page
Toggle Pick State Ctrl+Space Toggles between the current tool and the Pick tool
Toggle View Shift+F9 Toggles between the last two used view qualities
Undo Ctrl+Z Reverses the last operation
Undo Alt+Backspace Reverses the last operation
Ungroup Ctrl+U Ungroups the selected objects or group of objects
Uniform Fill… Shift+F11 Applies uniform color fills to objects
Use bullets Ctrl+M Show/Hide Bullet
Vertical Text Ctrl+. Changes the text to vertical
View Manager Ctrl+F2 Opens the View Manager Docker Window
What’s This? Shift+F1 What’s This? Help
Zoom Z Zoom Tool
Zoom One-Shot F2
Zoom Out F3 Zoom Out
Zoom To Fit F4 Zoom To All Objects
Zoom To Page Shift+F4 Zoom To Page
Zoom To Selection Shift+F2 Zoom To Selected
Read Also Corel Draw Tools Menu

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